Transport yourself to the shores of Goa with this authentic beef curry. If you plan ahead, you can cook the beef itself ahead of time, then whip up the...
Vegetarian meatloaf has never been so easy (or so delicious)! With ingredients like mushroom, Impossible beef, and of course the ketchup topping, you'll...
Mexican comfort food! Warm tortillas with a delicious filling of rotisserie chicken, creamy poblano soup, sour cream, green chiles, cheese, and enchilada...
Burrito pie (or taco pie) is a delicious burrito casserole, made in the oven, for a one pan and totally stacked Mexican night. Full of your favorite Tex-Mex...
This classic pasta with olive oil and garlic (aka Pasta Aglio e Olio) is easy enough for weeknight meals but classy enough for a date night or entertaining...
This gnocchi recipe showcases an abundance of fresh vegetables and is the perfect option for a spring meal, and the bonus is it's a one-skillet meal! If...
Contest-winning chili with an amazing flavor twist that people go crazy over! Quick and easy in the slow cooker - and healthy, too! Keep it on the mild,...
Author: Two Healthy Kitchens LLC at
This German cabbage roll recipe is full of meaty flavor and includes its own gravy. This delicious dinner is very versatile and freezer friendly. Perfect...
This one skillet Chicken Breasts with Mushroom Cream Sauce Recipe with chicken and mushrooms in a savory cognac cream sauce is a delicious way to turn...
This is a fantastic way to make a meatloaf without gluten or a sugary glaze. It also incorporates a surprise element of carrots in the meatloaf to help...
The Best Pan Fried Cabbage and Sausage Recipe Ever is the perfect easy way to celebrate Saint Patricks Day with a one pot cabbage and sausage dinner skillet...
This is a dish that I love to make. It is a simple Hunan-style chicken that you will love. If you like a lot of heat, you want to add to the anise pepper....
These Chinese boneless spare ribs are just like the takeout recipe. Sticky and sweet with crispy edges and that deep red color. You can easily make them...
Chicken 65 is a very, very simple (zip, zap, zoom...) spicy fried chicken, usually served as an appetizer. Anyone can make it without going wrong--one...
Pork medallions are tender pan-fried slices of pork tenderloin with sautéed onions, mushrooms, and garlic in a rich and creamy brown gravy. Pairs deliciously...
Mushroom Quinoa Pilaf is a great dish to eat on its own or as a side. All you really need is a salad. Slivered almonds, sun-dried tomatoes, and peas make...
A very, very simple dish to make that is very difficult to stop eating. The spiciness of the peppers, sweetness of the corn, and the creamy cheesiness...
One Pan Broccoli Cashew Chicken whips up in 15 minutes and is so easy to make. This delicious, 10 ingredient, full of flavor meal is easy on the budget...
Cream Cheese Crock Pot Chicken is creamy and zesty. It is a delicious meal that will have your family coming back for more.. One of the easiest crock pot...
Since the Covid lockdown, I haven't been able to go to IKEA® where they serve delicious veggie balls. So in the true self-assemble spirit that makes it...
Cold sesame noodle salad is a delicious and easy Asian side dish recipe, perfect for potlucks, summer picnics, or a light meal on its own. Easy recipe...
Everything you need to know about how to grill sausage - A simple method for perfect-every-time grilled sausage. The ultimate easy summer dinner, & a total...